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Fog computing is the pattern that extends cloud computing and services to the edge of the network. This is similar to cloud computing. Fog provides data computing storage and application services to end users. The motivation for fog computing lies in a series of real scenarios such as smart grids, smart traffic lighters in vehicular networks and software-defined networks. This paper discusses the new emerging technologies that lie within cloud computing. We can see many differences between cloud computing (CC) and fog computing (FC). These two emerging technologies have similarities, differences, drawbacks, etc. and this paper elaborates on the advantages and disadvantages of both fog computing and cloud computing, how fog computing will overcome cloud computing in the future, and how the Internet of things (IoT) is flexible with fog computing. Finally, this paper suggests the future scope of fog computing in the both smart grid and in the computing-based SDN (software-defined networking)Cloud computing services are useful for students as well as teachers. These are virtual machines (VM) that are changing the whole world of education in a good way. We use cloud computing for the education infrastructure, application, platform, and Software as a Service (SaaS).

This service is helping to build Education as a Service (EaaS). EaaS is a specially designed service for online education (synchronized/unsynchronized). Cloud computing services are managing all the infrastructure, study services, study material and inventory. The services can be designed according to the machine the service is able to run on like the laptop, mobile, palmtop, personal computer or server without internet connectivity. The service can also run from school/college servers, a data center or third-party servers that are accessed via the Internet. EaaS provides updated tools that are useful for short operations like editing, inserting, deleting, etc. A private cloud can be best for establishing the EaaS at a very low cost. EaaS is designed especially for education; that’s why the purpose of this service is to be cost-effective, secure, reliable, and flexible. The institution can totally rely on this service; everything is designed under the institution’s circumstances. EaaS stores lesson plans for various subjects (as data storage) in private clouds that allow teachers and students to access the files anywhere and at anytime.

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